"My Training Has Come On Massively..."
"Having been a runner for 30+ years I haven’t really progressed in the last 10 years until I came across Liam. Looking back I had no structure to my training, a poor diet and I often felt like I was aging before my time with aches and pains in morning.
My motivation was low and I guess I had lost my passion for running. After 9 months with Liam I have found my passion again and realised there is so much more to running than just getting those shoes on.
I’ve learnt about nutrition, mindset and different techniques to complement running and everyday life skills. I don’t have any aches/pains in the morning and having recently run a 66 mile 2-day ultra I can honestly say I recovered in a fraction of the time it used to take me.
At the age of 43 I’m running the fastest I have ever run and a quicker recovery is allowing me to train harder and faster. I must admit I was sceptical at first, surely running is just running but there is so much more to it and I’m really pleased I met Liam and gave him a try. Thanks Liam
Justin G.

"A 200 Mile Journey..."
Spencer was already a keen runner when we met, regularly
clocking in 70+ miles a week. In 2016 he ran a 160 mile race, but wasn't at his best, suffering from ITB and calf pain.
He wanted to know how to push his body to the limit, without risking further injuries.
We had 12 weeks to prepare for a 200 mile non-stop coast to coast race, the UltraGB.
We added in some specific strengthening exercises, worked a little on mindset and made a few tweaks here and there with his nutrition.
The result? A 1st place finish! Competing 200 miles in 47hrs 6 mins. As if that wasn't enough, he was found competing in an iron man in Switzerland less than 3 weeks later...incredible!
Spencer Bunn

"Not what I expected at all..."
“I was really sceptical about doing this, I've never had coaching before and I have done everything by myself up until now. I have a busy family life looking after my kids, and I didn't want to start something that needed a lot of my free time for it to work.
I didn't do the training at first because I didn't think it would work with me, and I didn't want to get bigger and heavier. But, when seeing the results the others were getting, I tried it. I ran my best times almost every weekend in my Parkrun and the annoying injuries which I had have gone away. I actually lost weight too, 10lbs.
I really like how Liam helped me make the best use of the little free time I do have, so I could still keep my fitness goals on track, without always being away from my family."
Charlotte D.

"From Pain to Pleasure..."
Emma first reached out to me after a serious back injury where even walking was a challenge. She admitted herself that she tried to cram too much exercise into the week and didn't pay attention to the cries for help signals her body was sending out.
But she decided enough was enough, and committed to getting back to fitness. We started with some basic strength training, 2 weeks later, Emma could return to running!
She made quick progress through the exercises and was back racing after only 8 weeks. That was swiftly followed by a 5k PB, a half-marathon PB and another 5k PB.
From struggling to walk to a PB machine in only 12 weeks! Emma has developed an incredible attitude to training, I've no doubt she will go on to more success.
Emma R.

3rd Place Finish in my First Ultra
What can I say, it's been a journey. Before working with Liam I was running with plenty of niggles and injuries I'd picked up along the way and just managed the best I could.
It really hit home though when I realised the 125km Ultra I'd signed up for is one of the toughest out there, and not something where I can "wing it" by myself.
I live a super busy life with lots of travelling and late nights, Liam was great in making sure I was always getting the most out of my training, no matter how busy things got.
I've learnt a ton along the way and I'm hugely excited to see where this goes now I know what I'm capabale of!
Paul Bennett
3rd Place 125 Ultra X Azores Race

So glad I joined The Online Running Coach!
Before starting coaching I was always really disappointed with my race times when I only knocked a few seconds off after all my hard work. I couldn't understand why other runners were getting faster, and I was being left behind at the bottom of the leaderboard in every race.
I got the point where I could see if I kept doing what I'd always done, I'd be in the exact same position a few years down the line, only with an even longer injury list!
Now with my coach, Caroline, I have someone else who cares about me and my running as much as I do! She kepps me motivated and makes sure I'm always heading in the right direction, not wasting my time and energy on things that don't matter.
I'm also part of a running club which is great socially, but it wasn't giving me what I needed to really improve.
I'm so glad I joined, thanks so much for your help.
Sally Owen

Caroline was fab!
I only started running during the first lockdown, and I realised quickly I had no real idea what I was getting into.
It seemed like I had no control over my results, if I worked harder and ran more I just ended up more worn down with no real improvements in sight.
Since starting with Caroline she's been fab. She really worked with me, fitting everything around my lifestyle. Her advice was excellent and she taught me so much.
I enjoy running ever more thanks to her, it's totally changed my body's capability - thank you!
Sarah Burke

Previous Clients
Usain Bolt
- Worlds Fastest Man
- 8 x Olympic Gold Medal Winner
Dina Asher Smith
- Olympic medal winner
- British record holder
Oussama Mellouli
- Olympic Gold medal winner
Habiba Ghribi
- Olympic Gold Medal Winner
Alemitu Bekele
- Euopean Champion Gold Medalist
Aries Merritt
- Olympic Gold medal winner
- World Record Holder