Discover the step-by-step system to transform every area of your running, in just 50 days.
50 Days to Incredible Running
Customers Only
Online Course
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Customers Only
Online Course
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Discover the step-by-step system to transform every area of your running, in just 50 days.
Week 1 - Getting Started
Your Course Workbook
Lesson 1 – How to use your plan
Lesson 2 – Goal setting
Lesson 3 - FAQ's and Guidelines
Bonus – How to do a Benchmark Run & Training Zones
Bonus - Interpreting your Benchmark Run & Training Zones
Challenge – Set your scores
Week 1: Reflection
Week 1: Checklist
Week 2 - Mastering Your Mind
Week 2: Goal Setting
Lesson 1 – An Introduction To Mindset
Lesson 2 – Motivation
Lesson 3 - The Olympic Approach
Week 2: Reflection
Week 2: Checklist
Week 3 - Fuel for Success
Week 3: Goal Setting
Lesson 1 – Day to Day Nutrition
Lesson 2 - Running Specific Nutrition
Lesson 3 – Hydration
Week 3: Reflection
Week 3: Checklist
Week 4 - The Running Lifestyle
Week 4: Goal Setting
Lesson 1 - What Lifestyle has to do with running
Lesson 2 – Sleep
Lesson 3 - Time Management
Week 4: Reflection
Week 4: Checkist
Week 5 - You've Come a Long Way
Week 5: Goal Setting
Lesson 1 – Time for a catch-up
Lesson 2 – Make it a habit
Week 5: Reflection
Week 5: Checklist
Week 6 - Train like a Pro
Week 6: Goal Setting
Lesson 1 - Effective Training
Lesson 2 – Strength Training
Lesson 3 - Injury Prevention
Bonus: Recovery from Injury
Week 6: Reflection
Week 6: Checklist
Week 7 - Continuing your Success
Week 7: Goal Setting
Lesson 1 – What Progress Looks Like
Lesson 2 – Failure
Week 7: Reflection
Week 7: Checklist
Sharing Benchmark Run Data with me
My Daily Mobility Routine
My Warm-Up Routine
My Cooldown Routine
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